An excellent discussion of the issues and dilemmas posed by the new administration in DC. Should be required reading in every School of Public Policy, assuming in this new world that students of that subject are still thinking about seeking public employment.

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Please retire from public office. To deny the gross inefficiencies embedded in the federal government is an embarrassment. Continued support of programs that have not come close to attaining their goals is wrong and harmful. There needs to be greater accountability and evaluation of our systems and processes.

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I strongly support our nation's research efforts, but do you REALLY think 50-60% indirect costs for NIH grants can be at all justified? This is far, far greater than is allowed by every other nonfederal funding agency to those same institutions. Why is the federal government giving them 60% when the average from most other funders is ~28%? It also means that Virginia taxpayers are helping fund the building and development - and whatever else keeps their lights on and donors happy - at the top 47 major research universities - which lie outside our state (UVA comes in at #48 and VT at #57 and together receiving 1.2% of all Federal funding).

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